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2018 FSQAP Review Tool Notices

July 11, 2024 – Website Updates

Update 1 of 3

Qlarant’s Operational Policy and Procedures have been posted.

Updates include:

  • Removed Human Service Research Institute (HSRI) and National Core Indicators (NCI)
  • Updated Medical Peer Review Process
  • Other general language edits


Update 2 of 3

An Interim Guidance document related to the APD iConnect Grace Period Advisory has been posted.


Update 3 of 3

In response to the iConnect Grace Period, Qlarant has updated the Service Specific Record Review Checklists. References to iConnect were removed from each checklist for the following services:

  • Behavior Analysis
  • Behavior Assistant
  • CDC+ Consultant
  • Support Coordination
  • Life Skills Development 1
  • Life Skills Development 2
  • Life Skills Development 3
  • Life Skills Development 4
  • Personal Supports
  • Respite
  • Supported Living Coaching


Qlarant’s Customer Service Representative is available to assist if you have any questions at or 1-866-254-2075.


May 14, 2024 – Health Summary Update

The Health Summary was updated effective May 1, 2024, and has been posted with the following edit:

Question 1 – the option to select “Covid-19 Vaccine” has been removed

To ensure you have the most current version, the footer of each Discovery tool will reflect the date. For example, the 2024_0501 indicates it is the May 2024 version. Please discard earlier versions of the applicable tool with footer dates prior to May 2024.

Qlarant’s Customer Service Representative is available to assist if you have any questions at or 1-866-254-2075.

December 4, 2023 – Updates To Review Tools

The services listed below have now transitioned into APD iConnect.

As a result, the following standard has been removed from the tools listed below: “The provider submits documents to the Waiver Support Coordinator as required.”

Behavior Analysis – standard 18

Behavior Assistant– standard 17

Life Skills Development 1– standard 14

Life Skills Development 3– standard 18

Life Skills Development 4– standard 19


Updates have been made to the Provider Discovery Review & Qualified Organization (“QO”) Administrative Tool.

Summary of Updates:

Provider Discovery Review Administrative Tool: Qualifications and Training

Standard 1 – The word “current” has been removed from NM reasons 1-11 and the protocol has been updated.

Standards 3, 4, 5-9 – minor protocol edits

Qualified Organization (“QO”) Administrative Tool: Qualifications and Training

Standard 1 – The word “current” has been removed from NM reasons 1-11 and the protocol has been updated.

Standards 3, 4, 5-9 – minor protocol edits


To ensure you have the most current version, the footer of each Discovery Tool will reflect the date. For example, the 2023_0701 indicates it is the July 2023 version.

Please discard earlier versions of the applicable tool with footer dates prior to November 2023. Please review each Discovery Tool in its entirety for services rendered for standards, protocols, and Not Met reasons.

Qlarant’s Customer Service Representative is available to assist if you have any questions at or 1-866-254-2075.

June 14, 2023 – Life Skills Development Level 4 – Prevocational Services Tool & Updates To Review Tools

In preparation for the implementation of Life Skills Development Level 4 – Prevocational Services (LSD4) a new Service Specific Record Review (SSRR) tool has been developed and will be effective July 1, 2023.

The Administrative Review tool has been updated to include educational and experience requirements for LSD4.

Minor updates to a number of other Service Specific Record Review (SSRR) tools have also been made.  The majority of updates are to protocols only. Other edits/deletions have been made to some Not Met reasons for simplification.

There are no changes to the Qualified Organizations Administrative, Waiver Support Coordination SSRR, CDC Consultant SSRR, and CDC Representative SSRR Tools.

Please see below for a summary of key edits.

To ensure you have the most current version, the footer of each Discovery tool will reflect the date. For example, the 2023_0701 indicates it is the July 2023 version.

Please discard earlier versions of the applicable tool with footer dates prior to July 2023. Please review each Discovery tool in its entirety for services rendered for standards, protocols, and Not Met reasons.

Qlarant’s Customer Service Representative is available to assist if you have any questions at or 1-866-254-2075.


Summary of Key Updates to Review Tools:

Administrative Tool: Qualifications and Training

Added standards 32 and 33 (LSD4)

Renumbered subsequent standards


Behavior Analysis

Standard 9 – NM reason edits

Standard 12 – Protocol only

Standard 13 – Protocol only


Behavior Assistant

Standard 5 – NM reason edits

Standard 8 – Protocol only

Standard 11 – Protocol only


Life Skills Development 1

Standard 3 – Protocol only

Standard 5 – NM reason updates

Standard 6 – Protocol only

Standard 8 – Minor protocol and NM reason edits


Life Skills Development 2

Standard 2 – Protocol only

Standard 3 – Protocol and deletion of NM #11

Standard 5 – Protocol and NM reason edits

Standard 6 – Minor change to NM #3

Standard 8 – Protocol only

Standard 9 – Protocol and updates to NM reasons

Standard 11 – Protocol only

Standard 15 – Deleted


Life Skills Development 3

Service description updated

Standard 1 – Protocol only

Standard 2 – Protocol only

Standard 6 – NM reason edits

Standard 9 – Protocol only

Standard 12 – Protocol only

Standard 14 – Deleted

Renumbered standards 15-19 to 14-18


Life Skills Development 4 – New Tool


Personal Supports

Standard 2 – Protocol only

Standard 4 – Protocol only



Standard 2 – Protocol only

Standard 3 – Protocol only

Standard 5 – Deleted NM reason 2



Standard 6 – NM reason edits

Standard 9 – Minor protocol edit

Standard 10 – Protocol only



Standard 6 – NM reason edits

Standard 9 – Protocol only



Standard 6 – NM reason edits

Standard 9 – Protocol only



Standard 6 – NM reason edits

Standard 9 – Protocol only



Standard 2 – Protocol only

Standard 6 – NM reason edits

Standard 9 – Protocol only

Standard 18 – Protocol only


Special Medical Home Care

Standard 7 – Protocol only

November 16, 2022 ~ Update for Supported Living Coaching

General Information:

Qlarant’s Customer Service Representative is available to assist if you have any questions at or 1-866-254-2075.

Update 1 of 1

The Supported Living Coaching Tool has been updated effective January 1, 2023 and posted with the following edits: All Protocols

  • Specific page references have been removed. Reference to the primary source document, Florida Statute, Florida Administrative Code, rule or other directive remains, i.e. iBudget Waiver Handbook and Rule 65G-7 F.A.C.
  • Minor wording updates/edits to other protocols


  • Removed “18 years of age or older” and all associated references from the standard text, protocol text, and Not Met Reasons.
  • The primary focus of the standard now relates to determining if the person lives in his or her “own home”. Substantial updates were made to the protocol to clarify expectations. Two (2) Not Met Reasons were deleted and four (4) new Not Met reasons have been added.

Standard #13:

  • Reference to the APD Health and Safety Checklist has been removed from the standard text, protocol text, and Not Met Reasons.
  • The primary focus for this standard now on just the Initial Housing Survey. Substantial updates were made to the protocol to clarify expectations. One (1) Not Met Reason was deleted and six (6) new Not Met reasons have been added.

Standard #14:

  • Updates to standard text, protocol text, and Not Met Reasons. Four (4) new Not Met Reasons have been added.

Standard #15:

  • Substantial updates to the protocol
  • Deleted six (6) Not Met reasons and added four (4) new Not Met reasons.

Standard #16 NEW:
APD Health and Safety Checklists covering services provided and billed during the period under review are in the record.

  • This change removes the APD Health and Safety Checklist from standard #13, separating it from the Initial Housing Survey.

Standard #18:

  • Minor updates to the protocol and deleted one (1) Not Met reason. Added two (2) Not Met reasons.

To ensure you have the most current version, the footer of each Discovery tool will reflect the date. For example, the 2023_0101 indicates it is the January 2023 version. Please discard earlier versions of the applicable tool with footer dates prior to January 2023. Please review Discovery tool in its entirety for services rendered for standards, protocols, and Not Met reasons.

Qlarant’s Customer Service Representative is available to assist if you have any questions at or 1-866-254-2075.

July 1, 2022 ~ Update for WSC and CDC+

General Information:

Qlarant’s Customer Service Representative is available to assist if you have any questions at or 1-866-254-2075.

Update 1 of 2

The Provider Discovery Review Waiver Support Coordinator (WSC) Service Specific Record Review Tool has been updated effective July 1, 2022, and posted with the following edits:

Protocol Only Edits to Standards 2, 4, 6, 15, 23, 26, 36

Standard #1 and #3 relating to requirements for the Medicaid Waiver Eligibility Worksheet

  • Additional wording added to protocols to assist with APD iConnect requirements
  • 1 Not Met reason removed in Standard #1
  • Not Met reasons revised in full for Standard #3

Standard # 5 related to Support Plan development

  • Additional wording added to protocols
  • Removal of 3 Not Met reasons

Standard #5a NEW- The Support Plan has all required components complete

  • New Standard with specifics detailed in the protocol and Not Met reasons

Standard #12 and #13 related to Support Plan needs and risks

  • Protocol updated
  • 4 additional Not Met reasons included

Standard #19 related to service delivery

  • Protocol updated
  • 1 Not Met reason removed

Update 2 of 2

The Provider Discovery Review Consumer Directed Care Plus (CDC+) Service Specific Record Review Tool has been updated effective July 1, 2022, and posted with the following edits:

Protocol Only Edits to Standards 2, 4, 6, 15, 18, 21, 29

Standard #1 and #3 relating to requirements for the Medicaid Waiver Eligibility Worksheet

  • Additional wording added to protocols to assist with APD iConnect requirements
  • 1 Not Met reason removed in Standard #1
  • Not Met reasons revised in full for Standard #3

Standard # 5 related to Support Plan development

  • Additional wording added to protocols
  • Removal of 3 Not Met reasons

Standard #5a NEW- The Support Plan has all required components complete

  • New Standard with specifics detailed in the protocol and Not Met reasons

Standard #12 and #13 related to Support Plan needs and risks

  • Protocol updated
  • 4 additional Not Met reasons included

Standard #19 related to service delivery

  • Protocol updated
  • 1 Not Met reason removed

To ensure you have the most current version, the footer of each Discovery tool will reflect the date. For example, the 2022_0701 indicates it is the July 2022 version. Please discard earlier versions of the applicable tool with footer dates prior to July 2022. Please review Discovery tool in its entirety for services rendered for standards, protocols, and Not Met reasons.

Qlarant’s Customer Service Representative is available to assist if you have any questions at or 1-866-254-2075.

July 5, 2022 ~ Update

General Information:

Qlarant’s Customer Service Representative is available to assist if you have any questions at or 1-866-254-2075.

While all entities continue to be mindful of risks associated with COVID -19, we have the tools and resources needed to help us move forward safely.

Update 1 of 3

The Provider Discovery Review Administrative Tool has been updated effective July 1, 2022 and posted with the following edits:

All Protocols

  • Specific page references have been removed. Reference to the primary source document, Florida Statute, Florida Administrative Code, rule or other directive remains, i.e. iBudget Waiver Handbook and Rule 65G-7 F.A.C.
  • Minor wording updates/edits to other protocols

Standard #10 relating to Basic Medication Administration Training

  • Two Not Met Reasons added (14 and 15) and one deleted

Standard #11 relating to Basic Medication Administration Validation

    The following Not Met reasons are no longer associated with an Alert

  • The Medication Administration Trainer’s Approval Number was incorrect or not on the initial Basic Medication Administration Validation Certificate presented
  • The Validation Trainer’s Name was not on the Basic Medication Administration Validation Certificate presented.
  • The Validation Trainer’s APD Trainer Number was incorrect or not on the Basic Medication Administration Validation Certificate presented.
  • The professional license number of Validation Trainer was not on the Basic Medication Administration Validation Certificate presented.
  • The Validation Trainer’s professional license expiration date was not on the Basic Medication Administration Validation Certificate presented.
  • The Primary Route Validation Date was incorrect or not on the Basic Medication Administration Validation Certificate presented.
  • Provider documentation demonstrated Basic Medication Administration Validation was not documented on “APD Form 65G-7.003 C, effective April 2019”.

Standard # 13 related to Prescribed Enteral Formula Administration training

  • Two Not Met reasons have been added

Standard #15 relating to Prescribed Enteral Formula Administration Annual Update training

  • Protocol updated

Qualification and Training standards related to required experience and education requirements

  • The requirement of demonstrating evidence of a high school diploma or GED has been removed from applicable services. Please note, while Qlarant will no longer be reviewing for high school diplomas or GEDs, providers are still responsible for meeting this requirement and maintaining documented evidence

Update 2 of 3

Service Specific Record Review Tools for Personal Supports and Respite services have been updated effective July 1, 2022 and posted with the following edits:

All Protocols

  • Specific page references have been removed. Reference to the primary source document, Florida Statute, Florida Administrative Code, rule or other directive remains, i.e. iBudget Waiver Handbook and Rule 65G-7 F.A.C.
  • Minor wording updates/edits to other protocols

Personal Supports standard #17 regarding submitting documents to Support Coordinators has been deleted.

Respite standard #10 regarding submitting documents to Support Coordinators has been deleted.

Update 3 of 3

All other Service Specific Record Review Tools have been updated effective July 1, 2022 and posted with the following edits:

All Protocols

  • Specific page references have been removed. Reference to the primary source document, Florida Statute, Florida Administrative Code, rule or other directive remains, i.e. iBudget Waiver Handbook and Rule 65G-7 F.A.C.

The Service Specific Record Review Tool for Supported Living Coaching effective 7/1/2022 will be coming soon.

To ensure you have the most current version, the footer of each Discovery tool will reflect the date. For example, the 2022_0701 indicates it is the July 2022 version. Please discard earlier versions of the applicable tool with footer dates prior to July 2022. Please review Discovery tool in its entirety for services rendered for standards, protocols, and Not Met reasons.

Qlarant’s Customer Service Representative is available to assist if you have any questions at or 1-866-254-2075.

July 1, 2022 ~ Update for WSC and CDC+ Consultant Qualified Organization Administrative Tool

General Information: Provider Discovery Review Qualified Organization Administrative Tool related to the CDC+ Consultant and Waiver Support Coordinator Reviews effective July 1, 2022, have been posted.

Qlarant’s Customer Service Representative is available to assist if you have any questions at or 1-866-254-2075.

To ensure you have the most current version, the footer of each Discovery tool will reflect the date. For example, the 2022_0701 indicates it is the July 2022 version. Please discard earlier versions of the applicable tools with footer dates prior to July 2022.

Edits include:

  • Edit in the General Administrative protocol and addition of a not met reason in Standard #5 related to Business Liability Insurance.
  • Edits in the General Administrative protocol and not met reasons for Standard #9 related to the mentoring program requirements.
  • Edit in the General Administrative protocol in Standard #11 with reminder of requirement of WSC to be employees of the QO.
  • Edit in the Qualifications and Training protocol and not met reasons in Standards #6 for HIPAA, and, #7 for HIPAA, HIV/AIDS/Infection Control.
  • Standard #10 removed. While required for all existing WSC to maintain record of completion, this should be completed for all WSC hired prior to 6/30/2021 and therefore standard was removed. Training will be captured for WSC hired after 7/1/2021 under Standard #11 and this Standard was also updated to reflect the wording updates.
  • Standard #12 updates to protocol.
  • Please review all standards for wording updates in the protocol text and the not met reasons.

The Service Specific Record Review Tools for Waiver Support Coordination and CDC+ Consultant effective 7/1/2022 will be coming soon.

Please review Discovery tools in their entirety for services rendered for updates to the standards, protocols, and not met reasons.

January 12, 2022 ~ Updated Operational Policies and Procedures

Qlarant has worked with the Agency for Healthcare Administration (AHCA) and the Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD) to develop a plan to transition back to onsite and in person review activities.

While all entities continue to be mindful of risks associated with COVID -19, we have the tools and resources needed to help us move forward safely.

Updated Operational Policies and Procedures utilizing components from previous onsite review and desk review processes are now in effect.

The updated manual can be found here: Qlarant Operational Policies and Procedures

Qlarant’s Customer Service Representative is available to assist if you have any questions at or 1-866-254-2075.


Florida Qlarant Website

Qlarant Website

November 15, 2021 ~ Update for QO Administrative Tool

General Information: A correction to the QO Administrative tool has been posted.

To ensure you have the most current version, the footer of each Discovery tool will reflect the date. For example, the 2021_1001_v4 indicates it is the October 2021 version 4. Please discard earlier versions of the applicable tools with footer dates prior to October 2021 v.4.

QO Administrative Edits include for version 4 (v4):

  • Standard # 7 (The provider follows their approved Mentor Mentee program.) under General Administrative has been removed from the tool.

Please review Discovery tools in their entirety for services rendered for updates to the standards, protocols, and not met reasons.

Qlarant’s Customer Service Representative is available to assist if you have any questions at or 1-866-254-2075.