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Best Practices – Community

Best Practices – Community

Submission date: 5/19/16
Submitted by: Berta Santos
Provider name: n/a
APD Area: 11/Southern

Practice: Supported Living provider enrolls the indiviudals she supports in the LIHEAP, program via, this link takes you to the program oversite information and application information. LIHEAP is a program for low income individuals that provides a $150- $300.00 credit per year per elegible persons towards their electric bill.

Who Benefits? ​Individuals who are residing in Supported Living and have limited budgets. Many of this providers’ consumers are no longer receiving a Supported Living Stipend and are managing to stay in their residences of choiuce with this little extra help

How? Any individual on the Waiver who is on a limited budget would benefit from enrolling in this program to see if they qualify for the assistance. This is for individuals and families living in the community and responsible for paying their electric bill

Best Practices – Community

Submission date: 4/1/16
Submitted by: Pat Metcev
Provider name: Linda Lalonde at Occupational Octaves Piano Florida
APD Area: n/a

Practice: This entity brings forward a “world of music”. The article was featured in the Brandon newsletter. This piano teacher has assisted people with autism to learn to play music. The results have included better overall reading in school.

Who Benefits? All people.

How? Doing research in different interest areas for community educators to link to community interests.

Best Practices – Community

Submission date: 4/3/15
Submitted by: Robyn Tourlakis
Provider name: Jason Da Silva
APD Area: n/a

Practice: Jason Da Silva and Alice Cook developed a crowdsourced map called AXSmap. AXSmap rates the accessibility of businesses. People can use the site as a directory and also can add to the map by leaving reviews.

Who Benefits? Individuals with a wide range of disabilities can benefit from the ability to rate places based on accessibility.

How? This could be useful tool to increase community awareness and access.

Best Practices – Community

Submission date: 4/1/15
Submitted by: Pat Metcev
Provider name: Tampa Electric Company (TECO)
APD Area: n/a

Practice: TECO has a program for customers called Medical Watch. Medical Watch does not guarantee uninterrupted electric service, but does identify to customer when there will be planned service interruptions. They also contact people prior to disconnection due to non-payment. The objective of the Medical Watch program is to encourage customers to notify TECO of their situations so special procedures can be implemented if they are dependent on electric powered medical equipment to sustain life. Participants are responsible for backup equipment and power supply. This program is available in Hillsborough (813-225-5051) and Polk County (863-298-6051) and for other counties people would call (888-223-0800).

Another program allows people to pre-register with a local response team. This team provides aid to persons during evacuations and with shelter needs. TECO has this program in Hillsborough (813-307-8063), Polk (863-298-7027), Pasco (727-847-8137), and Pinellas (727-464-3800) Counties.

Who Benefits? Persons who are dependent on life sustaining electric powered equipment and those needing assisting during evacuation.

How? Check with your local electric company for programs offered.

Best Practices – Community

Submission date: 7/22/08
Submitted by: Robyn Tourlakis
Provider name: null
APD Area: 23

Practice: HART (Hillsborough Area Regional Transit) offers a free travel training program that gives step by step instructions for utilizing the bus systems, including reading the routes, the schedules, and using the bus independently. Individuals have a travel trainer that assists and individualizes the travel education based on needs.

Who Benefits? Group Home Residents

How? Individuals benefit as they are able to access free of charge training (813-623-5835 ext 1105 or 1240) which can enhance their ability to access their community without paid supports.

Best Practices – Community

Submission date: 3/10/06
Submitted by: Christine Stevenson
Provider name: null
APD Area: null

Practice: Compass Bank, Ocala (Marion County, APD Area 13) has expanded a practice that originated for the benefit of senior citizens who have trustees or family members who have access to or control of their finances. At present it is experimental and reserved for group home residents. A representative brings banking services to the group. The bank rep comes to the home and tutors the residents on everything from using and safeguarding a debit card, to overseeing a caregiver who has access to their funds, even if the caregiver is their financial agent. Compass Bank is obviously not oblivious to the opportunities for and realities of exploitation, and they are taking action by educating and empowering individuals.

Who Benefits? Group Home Residents

How? Group home residents receive individualized support and tutoring to lessen their vulnerability to exploitation, from a community support. This practice may plant the seeds for individuals to expect to have increasing control of their own funds rather than to complacently relinquish the responsibility to caregivers/providers.