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Best Practices – Community

Submission date: 5/19/16
Submitted by: Berta Santos
Provider name: n/a
APD Area: 11/Southern

Practice: Supported Living provider enrolls the indiviudals she supports in the LIHEAP, program via, this link takes you to the program oversite information and application information. LIHEAP is a program for low income individuals that provides a $150- $300.00 credit per year per elegible persons towards their electric bill.

Who Benefits? ​Individuals who are residing in Supported Living and have limited budgets. Many of this providers’ consumers are no longer receiving a Supported Living Stipend and are managing to stay in their residences of choiuce with this little extra help

How? Any individual on the Waiver who is on a limited budget would benefit from enrolling in this program to see if they qualify for the assistance. This is for individuals and families living in the community and responsible for paying their electric bill