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Best Practices – Quality Assurance Reviewer

Submission date: 10/18/06
Submitted by: Frances Young and Brenda McConnell, QIC’s
Provider name: Life Concept Quest
APD Area: 7 and 23

Francie and Brenda consulted with an agency that operates in Central Florida and Tampa.  They invited an individual who was interviewed.  He gave input on his life and goals, as well as the training the staff has had.  It worked out well to include people receiving services in the closing conference.

Who Benefits? How?
Providers, individuals, quality assurance reviewers. How?  Providers benefit by getting a complete picture from the individual’s perspective and the quality assurance reviewer’s recommendations. Individual’s benefit by an added opportunity to express their opinions regarding their services and service providers. Quality assurance reviewers receive a further opportunity to gather information, and to promote the mindset that ‘individuals drive their own services’.