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Best Practices – Provider

Submission date: 5/19/16
Submitted by: Berta Santos
Provider name: Nilo’s Home Services
APD Area: 11/Southern

Practice: ​This provider has developed a variety of simple communication systems using laminated picture boards, this Reviewer observed individuals willingly use these to identify choice, educate about abuse and rights training, and to communicate medical needs, ie pain. Provider has also purchased an iPad and downloaded communication programs/applications for the use of 2 of the residents at their Group Home

Who Benefits? ​​Individuals with limited expressive communication skills all can benefit from these types of easily produced and individualized communication boards/systems. The iPad with the communication applications was a vaforite of the 2 invidiuals in the home targeted and particularly useful as it not only has pictures of items but also names the item selected encouraging verbal communication as well as visual

How?There are many individuals with limited expressive communication skills that are currently not getting to explore any simple communication systems to facilitate their interaction with others or their environment. Tablets are now much more affordable in price and communicacation applications are available and some are free. Any type of simple communication system could be a great emnhancement to the quality of life for some individuals and worth a the exploration and a sincere try.