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Best Practices – Provider

Submission date: 5/19/16
Submitted by: Berta Santos
Provider name: Nilo’s Home Services
APD Area: 11/Southern

Practice: ​​Residential Habilitation Provider is using AbleLinc Technologies’ Living Safely and Everyday Skills cognitively accessible learning videos on both the iPad and Apple TV to provide visual and auditory training during their house meetings and individually with their residents with staff facilitation. These are short easy to understand learning videos designed for individuals with Autism but very applicable for use with many of the residents.

Who Benefits? ​​All the individuals who reside in this provider’s Group Home benefit from these videos including when shown at house meetings. These prompt discussion about how to do things and act in specific situations, also allowing input from all individuals who view them.

How?These learning videos can be used as this provider is using them, for individual instruction for those who want to learn how to do a particular task, ie use the microwave, ​and for group activities, to educate individuals in a multitude of tasks and activities.